Advanced Root Canal Treatment in Gandhinagar
Advanced Root Canal Treatment in Gandhinagar

Points to consider before choosing a good Root Canal Specialist:
Painless treatment through painless injection system.
Use of dental laser for disinfection of root canal.
Use of microscope for accuracy.
Irrigation by use of ultrasonic irrigation system for better cleaning of canals.
Use of conscious sedation for very anxious patients to reduce the anxiety.
Use of obturation system for precise root canal sealing.
Use of endodontic files only once to eliminate instrument fracture.
* Many clinics often claim to have ultra-modern technology, please do not rely them right away. Instead, kindly check whether the equipment they use are a world-renowned brand or substandard.
At Nova Dental Hospital, we have best root canal specialist in Gandhinagar and equipped the hospital with branded ultramodern instruments and machines with newest technology available around the globe. We perform single visit to multiple visit pain free Root Canal Treatment in Gandhinagar to make the patient save their tooth.
For Top Root Canal Treatment in Gandhinagar as per the instrument guidelines, it should not be overused so at we follow the same protocol to avoid breakage of the instrument inside the tooth.
Five Reasons to choose Nova Dental Hospital for Painless Root Canal Treatment in Gandhinagar
- Painless Treatment
- Ultra-Modern Equipment
- Use of world’s Best Material
- Team Approach for best result
- 97.24% success rate

The vitality of tooth is depended on its blood supply. So if due to any reason the blood supply is lost the tooth becomes non-vital. But if the tooth is vital and the pulp is damaged sharp, shooting and throbbing pain is felt, intraoral or extra oral swelling is found, and sometimes abscess is formed. Signs you may need root canal therapy include:
- Severe toothache pain upon chewing or application of pressure.
- Prolonged sensitivity (pain) to hot or cold temperatures.
- Discoloration (darkening) of the tooth.
- Swelling and tenderness in nearby gums.
- A persistent or recurring pimple on the gum.

Root Canal Treatment is the therapeutic treatment to save the damaged tooth. It includes removing of the damaged pulp, cleaning, shaping and filling of the tooth. With help of RCT the natural tooth can be retained for long period of time thus maintaining natural bite and healthy functioning.
Types of Root Canal Treatment:
- Single Visit RCT: Indicated in non-vital tooth, acute infection, injury which leads to exposure of nerve, severe sensitivity. It is less traumatic to the patients and less time consuming.
- Multiple Visit RCT: The teeth with peri-apical lesion needs multiple (2 – 4) sitting for RCT(sometimes more then that depending on condition of tooth our RCT specialist decides).
- Root Canal Treatment with Apicoectomy: When there is infection still prevailing after RCT, apicoectomy also called root end surgery is advised. In this minor surgical procedure, root tip or apex of the tooth is removed along with its adjacent infected tissue.
Success Rate of Root Canal Treatment:
As per studies, the overall success rate for primary RCT is 85%, Re-RCT is 78%, and surgical RCT is 63%. Follow-up is a must in Re-RCT and Surgical RCT cases.
Dental Crowns:
After Root Canal Treatment the treated tooth becomes brittle. Hence, dental crown is advised to restore the tooth structure.
Note that : If crown is not cemented there are chances of breakage of tooth structure which leads to failure of RCT.
There are various types of dental crowns available:
- Porcelain fused to Metal(PFM)
- Zirconia (All ceramic White Metal)
- E-Max (Lithium Disilicate glass)
- Gold (not in use anymore)
- Stainless Steel (SS crown)
Dr. Happy Patel specialised in RCT Treatment at Nova Dental Hospital, and a team of dentists which includes the specialized doctor for Endodontic Treatment and Surgery.
- Endodontist has 3 year degree specialized only for Root Canal Treatments.
- For Apicoectomy, Oral Surgeon who holds specialized degree in the field.
Everyone wants comfortable and pain free treatment. So as doctor’s we are in constant search of new gadgets, techniques and anesthetic agents which can work magic for patients.
Nova Dental Hospital provides SEPTODONT (France) painless injection system of anesthesia.
- Nova Dental Hospital has Nrudent(India) Conscious sedation facility in which Laughing gas is passed through mask for anxious patients.
- We have GDC (India) Rubber dam system for isolation of tooth. It protects patient’s airway from materials which may fall during treatment.
- Root Canal Treatment is the conservative procedure hence we use appropriate MANI (Japan) Burs for Conservation of healthy tooth structure. Burs maximize efficiency during endodontic access and canal exploration.
- We use NSK (Japan) Airotor which is characterized by high performance, optimal ergonomics and is highly efficient. It produces less heat for proper cavity preparation.
- We use NSK (Japan) Proglider system for finding precise path for efficient Rotary Instruments/Files from DENTSPLY which has great flexibility, higher strength to navigate and shape the canal.
- Nova Dental Hospitaluses CARL ZEISS (Germany) Magnification Loupes which generates high contrast stereoscopic image with good color fidelity extending to peripheral zones to assure accuracy while giving diagnosis and for doing precision work.
- Using J-MORITA (Japan) Apex locator from we make sure of the apical constriction and determine the length of the root canal space.
- We use DENTSPLY (USA) EndoActivator Irrigation system for cleaning of canals. Irrigation is a vital step in RCT. Because of the root anatomy, the debris remains aside. These prevent close adaptation of obturation material. Thus to flush out all tissue debris, microbes and their by-products irrigation is required.
- For obturation of the root canal, we use handpieces promoting 3D filling of the root canal. With help of this system accessory canals can also be filled and proper obturation is obtained.
- Nova Dental Hospital uses BIOLASE (USA) epicX 940nm diode laser unit for superior disinfection by smear layer removal of root canal and to reduce post-operative pain makes your root canal treatment completely bacteria free and pain-free. Which increases the life of Root Canal Therapy and also that makes us Best dental for Root Canal in Gandhinagar.
- Nova Dental Hospital use excellent quality BioceramicCeraSeal root Canal sealant material for sealing the apex and for preventing the chances of leakage.
- For filling of the canal Nova Dental Hospital uses highest quality GuttaPercha of various sizes.
- The access cavity after the Root canal treatment is filled and restored with Light Cured Composite Resin (Ivolcar/3M/VOCO/GC).
- Technology used to make it painless
- Advanced equipment and instruments used.
- Quality of the materials used.
- Whether it is to be done in front or back tooth.
- Severity of infection in the canals.
- Whether it is done in a single visit or in multiple visits.
- Whether root canal is done by a root canal specialist.